Ethiopia , Guji Shakiso Gigesha
Elevation: 2000-2200M
Process: natural process, sun dried on raised beds & hand sorted
The Gigesa washing station holds NOP and EU Organic certification
Region: Guji, Shakiso Gigesha.
Zone: Oromia
Varietal: Heirloom , Landrace
Flavor notes: Sweet, Balanced, Blackberry, Jasmine, Sweet citrus
Freshly picked cherries are delivered to the Gigesa washing station from more than 500 coffee growers in the area, each holding approximately 2-5 hectares of farm land, all over 1800 meters above sea level and immediately put into a “floatation tank” to separate lower quality cherries. The coffee is then left under shade for 3-5 hours to let the surface water dry off before ultimately being spread out on raised drying beds. The cherries are meticulously observed and agitated to ensure even drying and avoiding over-fermentation. The natural drying process at the Gigesa washing station typically lasts 15 to 18 days.
The end result is a cup full of cherry notes, tropical fruit and milk chocolate with a wine-like peppery finish and syrupy body. Delicious!
Elevation: 2000-2200M
Process: natural process, sun dried on raised beds & hand sorted
The Gigesa washing station holds NOP and EU Organic certification
Region: Guji, Shakiso Gigesha.
Zone: Oromia
Varietal: Heirloom , Landrace
Flavor notes: Sweet, Balanced, Blackberry, Jasmine, Sweet citrus
Freshly picked cherries are delivered to the Gigesa washing station from more than 500 coffee growers in the area, each holding approximately 2-5 hectares of farm land, all over 1800 meters above sea level and immediately put into a “floatation tank” to separate lower quality cherries. The coffee is then left under shade for 3-5 hours to let the surface water dry off before ultimately being spread out on raised drying beds. The cherries are meticulously observed and agitated to ensure even drying and avoiding over-fermentation. The natural drying process at the Gigesa washing station typically lasts 15 to 18 days.
The end result is a cup full of cherry notes, tropical fruit and milk chocolate with a wine-like peppery finish and syrupy body. Delicious!
Elevation: 2000-2200M
Process: natural process, sun dried on raised beds & hand sorted
The Gigesa washing station holds NOP and EU Organic certification
Region: Guji, Shakiso Gigesha.
Zone: Oromia
Varietal: Heirloom , Landrace
Flavor notes: Sweet, Balanced, Blackberry, Jasmine, Sweet citrus
Freshly picked cherries are delivered to the Gigesa washing station from more than 500 coffee growers in the area, each holding approximately 2-5 hectares of farm land, all over 1800 meters above sea level and immediately put into a “floatation tank” to separate lower quality cherries. The coffee is then left under shade for 3-5 hours to let the surface water dry off before ultimately being spread out on raised drying beds. The cherries are meticulously observed and agitated to ensure even drying and avoiding over-fermentation. The natural drying process at the Gigesa washing station typically lasts 15 to 18 days.
The end result is a cup full of cherry notes, tropical fruit and milk chocolate with a wine-like peppery finish and syrupy body. Delicious!